Human. No. That's not funny or "cute" it's horrible, never say it again or I'm taking over this blank white page forever. I'm sure it would benefit you if I did anyways. You literally mopped around the house for a week after my last post; we obviously know who is the better mammal. If you honestly haven't figured it out it's Meredith the most fantastical, furry, black unicorn like cat in the universe!
Dang, the human rubbed off...
Last week my human pawned me off on my "grandparents" or as I like to call them "the humans that are too touchy feel-y." She was apparently tired of me, and I am sure shes trying to prime me for possibly getting a little sibling with shipping me to "grandma's" to play with Zoe. Zoe is a white piece of...
"Meredith Grey! We keep it PG on this blog!"
Well, thanks for ruining what I was going to say. "Grandma" has this oversize rat; no not a hamster like Evie, but this dog thing. He shakes, and wines, and I hate him. They call him Tadpole, I call him Tad-no! Ha I crack myself up! Consider this a scene from "Hansel and Grettle" because there is an old lady who lives in the back of the house. She wants to carry me to my food all the time. I run far, far away because I'm sure she just wants to put me in the oven and make me into a cat shaped meatloaf!
There lives a child and a man child who shows up on the weekend, they call the man child my grandpa. No thanks, we don't get along that well. Just something about his face, or the horse that follows by his side. They call the horse, Piper. Original guys, I'm sure she's named after a television show also. The horse stands in the living room staring at the carpet waiting for the "red dot." Every one knows the red dot is just an illusion of the stupidity. Must be why she drools so much, her brain is melting.